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Toddler through Adolescence Programs   

The first three years of life are the most fundamental in the development of human beings and their potential. An understanding of the child's development allows Montessori environments to meet the needs of the toddler child and foster a sense of belonging, independence, and language acquisition


 Having created the foundations of their personality, three-year-old children arrive in Primary environment ready to develop and perfect their abilities. They learn best through real-life activities and open-ended exploration leading to the refinement of their movements, sensory perceptions, language and the development of their intellect.

Elementary aged children typically can be characterized by their curious minds, their ability to abstract and imagine, their moral and social orientation and their energy for research and exploration. Elementary children work in small, mixed-age groups on a variety of projects which spark the imagination, engage the intellect, and develop their reasoning abilities.


 Adolescents are in a special stage of life, on the threshold of adulthood. The Montessori environment reflects all aspects of adult life and provides opportunities, not only to pursue academic interests but also participate in real adult practical work in a social setting as close to a real society as possible. 


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